Writing Update #1

I so love this teaser picture.

Toni Decker Books

BtIThe past week has been pretty eventful in the Toni Decker brain. We just finished the first draft of a 60k manuscript, BtI, and sent it off to a few Beta readers. Kira and I both adore this story so much that I might even admit to having a major, highly inappropriate, crush on the hero. I know there are edits to be done, a few small (hopefully small) revisions to be made, but it’s a great feeling to be at a stage of completeness to share this story with others. You’d think that after writing an entire story, writing a blurb would be easy. You’d be wrong. It’s the part I dread most, summarizing 60k into 200 words or less. Also query letters, synopsis and pitch. Working on them all for this story right now. And yes, the image is a bit a tease for the story…

Naturally, as…

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One thought on “Writing Update #1

  1. judeellis says:

    The synopsis seems to come fairly easily for me but OMG (shudder) the query letter will be the death of me.


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